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Philippians 3:10-11

“I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead!”

Paul’s heart cry leaps off the page with every passing line. This guy was so in love with Christ and so deeply appreciative of his own salvation that he couldn’t help but pour it out in a grand symphony under the control of the Holy Spirit. I rarely show this kind of deep emotion for my own family, let alone the Christ who saved me. Do you?

Sometimes I wonder what it must have been like to walk with Christ back in those days…or with fellow Believers as the Church was born. However, when I walk in obedience and take God up on His offer to join Him in His work, I get to experience that kind of biblical euphoria in the here and now! Every so often I DO get to know Christ…I DO get to experience the Power of His resurrection…I DO get to suffer with Him. It’s in those moments that my faith always moves to a new level.

Walking with Jesus in joy and power reminds me of what it was like to discover ice cream! It’s a pretty amazing experience, to say the least, and then you find out there are “31 Flavors”! Can I try chocolate? Strawberry? Rocky Road? Mint Chocolate- Chip? Of course you can!

How about serving at church while utilizing my spiritual gift(s)? How about taking time to serve those less fortunate than me? How about teaching my kids a little something from Proverbs? How about sharing my faith story with a co-worker who is down in the dumps? Perhaps volunteering at a Christian event or outreach? Of course you can!

Do you want more out of your walk with Christ? Pick a flavor and get busy!