Here They Are!
President: | Donald Trump |
U.S. Senate: | Thom Tillis |
U.S. House (Dist. 2): | Alan D. Swain |
U.S. House (Dist. 4): | Robert Thomas |
NC Governor: | Dan Forest |
NC Lt. Governor: | Mark Robinson |
NC Atty. General: | Jim O’Neill |
NC Auditor: | Tony Wayne Street |
NC Commissioner of Ag: | Steve Troxler |
NC Commissioner of Ins: | Mike Causey |
NC Commissioner of Labor: | Josh Dobson |
NC Secretary of State: | E.C. Sykes |
NC Superintendent Public Ed: | Catherine Truitt |
NC Treasurer: | Dale R. Folwell |
NC Supreme Court: | Paul Newby (Chief Justice) |
Phil Berger, Jr. (02) | |
Tamara Barringer (04) | |
NC Court of Appeals: | April C. Wood (05) |
Fred Gore (06) | |
Chris Dillon (06) | |
Jeff Carpenter (07) | |
Jefferson G. Griffin (13) | |
NC Senate: | 11 Lisa Barnes |
15 Mario Lamuscio | |
16 Will Marsh | |
17 Mark Cavaliero | |
18 Larry Norman | |
20 John Tarantino | |
NC House: | 2 Larry Yarborough |
7 Matthew Winslow | |
11 Clark Pope | |
26 Donna McDowell White | |
33 Fran Sarpolus | |
34 Ronald Smith | |
35 Fred Von Canon | |
36 Kim Cooley | |
37 Erin Pare | |
38 Kenneth Bagnal | |
40 Gerard Falzon | |
41 Scott Populorum | |
49 David Robertson | |
Wake District Court: | 10A/Seat 2 Vartan Davidian |
10A/Seat 3 Dan Nagle | |
10F/Seat 3 Beth Tanner | |
Wake Co. Commissioners: | 01 Greg Jones |
03 Steve Hale | |
06 Karen Weathers | |
07 Faruk Okcetin | |
Wake Co. Board of Ed: | 01 Deborah Prickett |
02 Gregory Hahn | |
03 Roxie Cash | |
07 Rachel Mills | |
08 Steve Bergstrom | |
09 Karen Carter | |
Wake Co. Register of Deeds: | Charles Gilliam |
Wake Co. Soil & Water: | Scott Lassiter |
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