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The Bail-in of 2019
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The bail-in is coming… are you prepared?

Another full Money Monday episode calls for more preparation of the coming recession and the bail-in. However, in recent news, the markets are up 110 points with SMP up more than 2,900 points. With global stocks up all over the world.

Moreover, in recent events, there was no solution at the recent G20. But President Trump is backing off the Chinese technology company, Huawei. More big news, The biggest players, The FED, are possibly lowering rates. Instead of the FED fixing rates, they insist on the government getting its act together. However, the market is saying that lower rates are coming soon. These lowered rates will start at .01% and continue to drop each quarter.

The Bail-in:

The bail-in is coming… What exactly is a bail-in? In layman’s terms, a bail-in is when the government is so far in debt that it must take money from its citizens. This idea sounds so foreign and out of this world, but, its been done 8 other times in other countries. Greece is the most notable country, performing a bail-in on 3 separate occasions. With the United State 22 Trillion dollars in debt, the bail-in is a viable option for the government. A bail-in will go into your bank account or any electronic asset and take half to 3/5th of all citizens money. This is a crazy amount. How will we be able to survive this? Well, we won’t. But on the course, the United States is going it won’t be able to survive by not bailing-in.

If you want to learn more about bail-ins and how they are done: Check Out David Fischer’s Website – Landmark Capital Gold


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