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2 Timothy 1:9a

“For God saved us and called us to live a holy life.”

Have you ever made the team? Perhaps it was baseball or football or basketball or something like the debate team or the drama team. In any case, when you “make the team” you usually understand what you are there to do, and so it is with making Jesus’ team as a Christian: you are on the team to live a “holy life.”

In a nutshell, the word “holy” simply means to be set apart…to be different. Once God saves you from your sin, He expects you to live a different kind of life than you used to live. Your thoughts, words, and actions should all reflect the fact that somehow…you have been changed. As a result, when it comes to family life, your family should look different, act different, and sound different than most. Does it?

APPLICATION: Discuss ways that your family can be “set apart” according to what we have been learning through this devotional series. What should it look like? Sound like? Act like? Pray together and ask the Lord help you do what you need to do in order to live a more holy life.