Galatians 5:22-23a
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.”
This is a very popular passage of Scripture, as it should be, and it always makes me think of an apple tree. The tree doesn’t bear fruit when it is first planted, but the potential is there. After a little time and growth, the fruit begins to show up. It starts as a little bud, but with the right nourishment, the fruit grows until it is fully mature and ready to be harvested. Eventually, if it’s not used, it will fall to the ground and rot.
When the tree produces fruit you know it’s healthy…and the same can be said of a Christian! As we obey the commands of God (like loving our neighbor or sibling or parent or child) this spiritual fruit will begin to grow. When we disobey and sin, we cut off the process and we become like an apple tree with no apples.
Is there a lot of division in your family? Do you argue a lot? Are you uncaring towards one another? Are you quick to speak, quick to get angry, and slow to listen to one another? If the answer is “yes”, then your family tree isn’t producing much fruit, is it? The solution is simple: confess your sin, repent, and return to following the commands of Scripture. Your heart (tree) will change and the fruit will appear once more!
APPLICATION: As a family, repeat today’s verse out loud…but each person should just say the next word as you go around your family tree. This will be challenging at first, but stick with it until you can get through the entire verse without messing up! After that, try changing who goes first and see if you can pull it together again! Finally, pray together and ask the Lord to help your family tree bear the Fruit of the Spirit every day.