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Commandment I

Thou shalt remember that the bait determines the catch. If you are a Godly young lady, odds are good that I won’t have to hire a PI to check out your suitors.

Commandment II

Thou shalt not even think about dating a guy who is not a born again Christian. I have worked my butt off trying to teach you the Truth of God’s Word and Scripture makes it clear: you never date a non-Christian.


Commandment III

Thou shalt recall that the bait determines the catch. If you are modest and pure the scumbag guys won’t be interested in you…the Godly young men will be.


Commandment IV

Thou shalt remember that a Godly young woman will attract young men that know how to honor their elders…so I won’t need to tell him to turn off his cell phone when he talks to me.


Commandment V

Thou shalt not be interested in dating a “boy.” Men of God only: mature, responsible, and compassionate…and in love with Jesus.


Commandment VI

Thou seems to have trouble remembering that the bait determines the catch.  A Godly young lady will NOT attract liberal, hippie, agnostic, atheistic, and/or anti-American tree huggers.


Commandment VII

Thou shall understand that my love for you is beyond the influence of expensive gifts. Your heart and my blessing cannot be bought…they must be won.


Commandment VIII

Thou knows full well that you have been raised to be a Godly woman and accordingly, the young men who will show interest in you will not be the type to tell dirty jokes to either one of us.


Commandment IX

How many times do I need to remind thou that the bait determines the catch! A man after God’s heart will already be a man of his word.


Commandment X

If I need to utilize the Clash Pastor’s commandments, I have already lost the battle. But alas! If we repent and sin no more, God will lead you back to His ways and you will attract a wonderful man that I will be proud to call “son.”